June 26th: Jasmine's ONE!
Hard to believe that almost 8 weeks went by since Debbie and Jasmine arrived. Their last day in the US was also Jasmine's 1st birthday. We were very excited to be able to celebrate her special day while she was with us. It never hurts of course, that birthdays equal CAKE! Jasmine got the idea quite quickly that chocolate cake tastes best when actually eaten!

She is such a sweetie, she grew up so much in the time she was with us, 5 new teeth came through, she took a couple of steps, gained tons of confidence going upstairs and whizzing around after the other kids. The house is a little quieter without her and they are missed. (Debbie really kept up with the laundry while she was here and since her departure, I have returned to the weekly day of 7 loads - Debbie, I really miss you too, LOL!). We're glad that we're gong to see them again soon, hopefully October, if the passports are updated by then, just another thing on the 'to do' list......
She is such a sweetie, she grew up so much in the time she was with us, 5 new teeth came through, she took a couple of steps, gained tons of confidence going upstairs and whizzing around after the other kids. The house is a little quieter without her and they are missed. (Debbie really kept up with the laundry while she was here and since her departure, I have returned to the weekly day of 7 loads - Debbie, I really miss you too, LOL!). We're glad that we're gong to see them again soon, hopefully October, if the passports are updated by then, just another thing on the 'to do' list......