Wednesday September 16th
Our plan had been to leave on Thursday but we realized that arriving late in the day and then packing up again to leave the following evening would be tough, so we changed plans. It didn’t effect too much, Dave just had to switch days off, we still did school in the morning before we left. It is much harder moving during the week though, even Jake mentioned it – the weekend days make for an easier transition, we prefer to get on the road pre-breakfast.
The drive to West Virginia was longer than I’d intended, no reason really, just took a while. We had to stop and eat, got caught up in rush hour traffic and it was quite a way. The scenery certainly changed, we definitely left the flat landscape behind us and hit the hills in a big way! We actually drove right by WVU where we caught a glimpse of their marching band practicing – it was huge! We keep telling Jake that if he sticks with the clarinet, it could be him out there on the field, so he was especially interested to see them. I wanted to stop, Dave gave me the: ‘you have got to be kidding me’ look (there were cars everywhere, not very practical to park and maneuver a camper.). At one point, we were in Pennsylvania again, just below Pittsburgh, still a long way from home though.
As we were driving over the hills and pot-holed roads to Pine Hill Campground, we were afforded another beautiful view of the sunset, we have been so blessed on this trip to see the amazing colors of nature. This journey, we also began to spot many trees with their leaves changing color as autumn approaches.

It was a tough set-up process in the dark, something we haven’t had to do in quite a while. The kids were wired, having sat in the car for 5 hours but of course, couldn’t run off to the playground as it was too late and too dark, it made for a challenging evening.
The drive to West Virginia was longer than I’d intended, no reason really, just took a while. We had to stop and eat, got caught up in rush hour traffic and it was quite a way. The scenery certainly changed, we definitely left the flat landscape behind us and hit the hills in a big way! We actually drove right by WVU where we caught a glimpse of their marching band practicing – it was huge! We keep telling Jake that if he sticks with the clarinet, it could be him out there on the field, so he was especially interested to see them. I wanted to stop, Dave gave me the: ‘you have got to be kidding me’ look (there were cars everywhere, not very practical to park and maneuver a camper.). At one point, we were in Pennsylvania again, just below Pittsburgh, still a long way from home though.
As we were driving over the hills and pot-holed roads to Pine Hill Campground, we were afforded another beautiful view of the sunset, we have been so blessed on this trip to see the amazing colors of nature. This journey, we also began to spot many trees with their leaves changing color as autumn approaches.
It was a tough set-up process in the dark, something we haven’t had to do in quite a while. The kids were wired, having sat in the car for 5 hours but of course, couldn’t run off to the playground as it was too late and too dark, it made for a challenging evening.