States visited: 49!

visited 49 states (98%)
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Miles driven so far -
LOOP 1 (Aug 2009 - Aug 2010): 29,000
LOOP 2 (May - August 2012): 10,800

Highest altitude with camper: 11,158ft (I-70, CO)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

warning: longer posts coming up!

I'm always so impressed when people leave comments on the blog....and somewhat surprised that people are reading!

I kind of apologize to you all for the upcoming posts, they're on the longer side!  We did so much and saw so many different places and things while we were in this area, I don't want to forgot a moment.  The blog serves as my journal and will eventually be printed into a book (you know, when I've eventually added those pesky pictures!) so it's important for us to preserve these memories.

Thank you for remaining in the 'reading loop' and for hanging out even when the posts are long, feel free to skip a few if the going gets too arduous!

Thanks, Ali

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