Due to a late night arrival on Jake's birthday and because Dave was recovering from a virus, we did not hit the slopes until the lifts had been running for a couple of hours.......totally unheard of for us. I am a first to last lift girl, so I was feeling a tad pained!
It was pretty bright, so I couldn't really see the screen - I thought I had everyone in.......sorry Nate! |
Our fears that it would be a busy Sunday at the start of Spring Break week were not realized: no lines and great conditions. At the beginning of the day, not a cloud was in the sky, and the sun shone brightly.
Jake and Becca ahead: cloudless blue skies |
Caitlin and Dave behind Nate and me |
I skied with Nate and Becca all morning; Jake sped off; Dave stayed with Caitlin.
Gorgeous weather; so glad we decided to return
Mount Washington clearly visible (with the naked eye!) in the distance from the top of Madonna: breathtaking views.
From Morse, looking out over Madonna and Sterling:
While the others headed over to Morse Mountain for the afternoon, I stayed for last lift on Madonna. This was my view skiing down Lower F.I.S. at the end of the day - no one left, had the slope to myself.
Dave and Caitlin caught the very last chair on the Village lift, followed only by the cone! What a GREAT first day.
This is the drying rack Dave should patent. It dries our boots and gloves with a small fan attached to the lower pipe which pushes air through each pipe - he's quite the ingenious engineer! It dismantles completely to make it fully portable. This condo had the perfect out-of-the-way spot for it too which our Sycamores condo does not.