North Wildwood: May 15-17
We found a great campground, close to North Wildwood. We stayed in the camper and pitched a tent for D,J&J. Jasmine did very well, considering this was her first camping experience. We could've done without the mosquitoes but with OFF, they were bearable!
Our neighbors own a house on Ocean, about a block from the beach, so we stopped in for a drink with them on the Saturday before heading down to the very hazy beach. It has to be said, this was a particularly CHILLY beach experience, sweatshirts would've been the better clothing choice, as opposed to the swimwear we opted for! As always though, the children were undeterred and made a supreme effort to get in the water. However, even Jake admitted begrudging defeat after attempting to boogie-board:
"You know Mum, the best waves are really far out and I don't really think you'll let me swim that far, so I might as well not bother."
"You're right, Surfer Dude, another time....!"
We set up a wind break as best we could for some protection and enjoyed the day regardless - we are a hardy group of Brits! Even Jasmine went in the Ocean and wasn't remotely bothered, we were very impressed.

Although there was quite a lot of rain on Sunday, it did hold off on Saturday, enabling us to enjoy a fire and the obligatory s'mores - shockingly Debbie & Jonny had never had one - we forget what's American and what's English, terrible! ......and it wouldn't be right, not to mention poor Jonny's sunburnt head - sorry Jonny! Dave covered it with a thick coating of Eucerin, yep, that probably helped but the look wasn't especially cool! The whole w/e became too much for Jasmine to handle, she sacked out!

We took a lot of photos, check them out here!
Our neighbors own a house on Ocean, about a block from the beach, so we stopped in for a drink with them on the Saturday before heading down to the very hazy beach. It has to be said, this was a particularly CHILLY beach experience, sweatshirts would've been the better clothing choice, as opposed to the swimwear we opted for! As always though, the children were undeterred and made a supreme effort to get in the water. However, even Jake admitted begrudging defeat after attempting to boogie-board:
"You know Mum, the best waves are really far out and I don't really think you'll let me swim that far, so I might as well not bother."
"You're right, Surfer Dude, another time....!"
We set up a wind break as best we could for some protection and enjoyed the day regardless - we are a hardy group of Brits! Even Jasmine went in the Ocean and wasn't remotely bothered, we were very impressed.
Although there was quite a lot of rain on Sunday, it did hold off on Saturday, enabling us to enjoy a fire and the obligatory s'mores - shockingly Debbie & Jonny had never had one - we forget what's American and what's English, terrible! ......and it wouldn't be right, not to mention poor Jonny's sunburnt head - sorry Jonny! Dave covered it with a thick coating of Eucerin, yep, that probably helped but the look wasn't especially cool! The whole w/e became too much for Jasmine to handle, she sacked out!
We took a lot of photos, check them out here!