Kongo Bars
The rest of the week went by too quickly, lots of playing for the kids of course – school and work too! We took a walk around the State Park and looked at the levees, which lead to some interesting discussions about why people would still choose to live here, even though the city is below sea level. These are the things we love about this trip, everything’s so ‘hands on’, climbing over a levee and seeing how it is reinforced; hopefully they’ll have memories of that in the future.

It was neat to see the moon up in the clear, blue sky - the days were quite 'crisp'!
We met a guy fishing along the river, he was 'kind' enough to show us the catfish he'd caught - and partially gutted - I thought Caitlin was going to throw up! He did compliment all the kids on asking lots of questions, I guess it's all a good learning experience!
On the way back from the playground, Becca spotted an armadillo. They typically only come out at night during the warmer months but when it's cold, they come out and dig at any time. It was completely unbothered by our presence so we were able to get some great photos.

Click here for more photos from our nature walk.
Jake made Kongo Bars on Friday to redeem himself after a particularly challenging morning of school. Here’s the recipe (thanks Sam for letting us ‘borrow’ this!), they were delicious – even though he went well overboard on the chocolate – he was redeemed!
3/4 stick melted butter
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 egg
stir in:
1 tsp baking powder
1 cup flour
1 cup chocolate chips
Bake in 9x9 ungreased pan for 20 minutes at 350F
The Godwin’s had Lego Guitar Hero on their wii, complete with microphone, drums and guitar so our kids spent quite a bit of time in their motorhome. We did send them all over to ours on Friday evening to have fun with the Wii Fit games (snowballing and obstacle course are popular with us), while we got to hang out and enjoy lattes – yum, we needed the caffeine kick to help get us into gear for the pack-up process. Although moving every week and putting everything away is a pain, it does mean that the camper is fully tidied and cleaned on a regular basis!
It was neat to see the moon up in the clear, blue sky - the days were quite 'crisp'!
We met a guy fishing along the river, he was 'kind' enough to show us the catfish he'd caught - and partially gutted - I thought Caitlin was going to throw up! He did compliment all the kids on asking lots of questions, I guess it's all a good learning experience!
On the way back from the playground, Becca spotted an armadillo. They typically only come out at night during the warmer months but when it's cold, they come out and dig at any time. It was completely unbothered by our presence so we were able to get some great photos.
Click here for more photos from our nature walk.
Jake made Kongo Bars on Friday to redeem himself after a particularly challenging morning of school. Here’s the recipe (thanks Sam for letting us ‘borrow’ this!), they were delicious – even though he went well overboard on the chocolate – he was redeemed!
3/4 stick melted butter
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 egg
stir in:
1 tsp baking powder
1 cup flour
1 cup chocolate chips
Bake in 9x9 ungreased pan for 20 minutes at 350F
The Godwin’s had Lego Guitar Hero on their wii, complete with microphone, drums and guitar so our kids spent quite a bit of time in their motorhome. We did send them all over to ours on Friday evening to have fun with the Wii Fit games (snowballing and obstacle course are popular with us), while we got to hang out and enjoy lattes – yum, we needed the caffeine kick to help get us into gear for the pack-up process. Although moving every week and putting everything away is a pain, it does mean that the camper is fully tidied and cleaned on a regular basis!