States visited: 49!

visited 49 states (98%)
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Miles driven so far -
LOOP 1 (Aug 2009 - Aug 2010): 29,000
LOOP 2 (May - August 2012): 10,800

Highest altitude with camper: 11,158ft (I-70, CO)

Monday, June 14, 2010

While we were gone…..

Jake, Becca and Nate were excited to go to Danielle’s and have a sleep-over there. Dave was looking forward to a quiet evening, watching a ‘boy’ movie with a beer, but it wasn’t to be. When he got back, he discovered that the electrics had gone out on the entire row our camper was on. He helped the neighbor secure electricity for his wife who needed oxygen, finally getting to bed about 2am – it was not the evening he had pictured! He did end up moving campsites the next day, which he was actually happy about as it took the camper away from the noise of the road.

On Memorial Day, Pete came over with all the kids and they enjoyed the pool, despite the fact that it was a bit chilly in the wind.

School was reasonably successful in my absence, I had left a few lesson plans in hopes that they would be able to work somewhat independently but they did need Dave occasionally, so he had quite a few late nights catching up on work while we were gone.

Much to Caitlin’s chagrin, they met up with Betsy, Harry and two more ‘cousins’, Stephie and Savannah, to go and see the final installment of Shreck at the movies. They really enjoyed it and apparently Becca was thrilled to limpet onto the girls; she’s not used to be in an all-boy household!

Either in spite of, or perhaps, because of, my absence, Dave spent a LOT of money! He ordered a new camera (Cannon SLR) – great excitement there - as well as a new dvd player for the truck, a few other ‘needed’ items and also took the camper in to have two new ceiling vents/fans fitted and also the a/c unit replaced with a more powerful model, we’d found that the regular unit was struggling to keep the temperature down when it got really hot.

So, they survived just fine in our absence, there was no question they could of course. We function better as a family unit though, hard when one of the essential parts is missing, so very happy to all be back together again.

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