States visited: 49!

visited 49 states (98%)
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Miles driven so far -
LOOP 1 (Aug 2009 - Aug 2010): 29,000
LOOP 2 (May - August 2012): 10,800

Highest altitude with camper: 11,158ft (I-70, CO)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Jake’s birthday: he’s ELEVEN!

How did we get to this point?! I can still vividly remember his birth day, he came right on his due date and has been pretty punctual ever since! His top gifts were: wave board, mp3 player, DS games, lego and rubix cube.

I knew that it’d be unlikely we’d get back in time that evening to celebrate with cake, so suggested that we have his cake for breakfast. Clearly, this was met with a resounding ‘yes!’ I’m pretty sure everyone enjoyed their chocolate cake and banana breakfast – gave them some extra energy for walking around the zoo all day.


Show Us The World said...

Happy Birthday, Jake!

Marlene said...

Happy Birthday, Jake! Looks like such a handsome dude! Better watch out for the girls that'll be breaking down your door soon (if they haven't already). ;)