States visited: 49!

visited 49 states (98%)
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Miles driven so far -
LOOP 1 (Aug 2009 - Aug 2010): 29,000
LOOP 2 (May - August 2012): 10,800

Highest altitude with camper: 11,158ft (I-70, CO)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

From Carlsbad to Alamorgordo: Sunday, February 28

It’s always hard to tell from the GPS whether or not we’re taking a good road or not. Dave figured out the night before that three map suggestions were taking us different routes. On closer inspection, I noticed that one road had us going by a ski area (in New Mexico?!) and up to an elevation of 9,000ft. We also spotted a sign that stated 6% grades and highly inadvisable for trailers. Could we have done it? Probably. Did we really want to? Mmmm, not so much! Besides, the alternative route took us up to Roswell and we thought it’d be fun to see the ‘alien’ town! We didn’t see any UFOs….

The alternative didn’t take us quite as high as 9,000ft but we did reach 7,600ft – the highest yet! We followed part of the Billy the Kid National Scenic Byway, which pays tribute to the infamous "Wild West" outlaw. In 1881 famous outlaw Billy the Kid escaped from the Lincoln County Courthouse in Lincoln. During his escape The Kid allegedly shot and killed two deputies, but he was never indicted for the murders...

There was a lot of snow on the ground in the tree areas along the side of the road, thankfully the roads were clear. However, as we began our descent, the snow really started coming down. Needless to say, the kids, who never worry about the effect this could have on the drive, were so excited to be in the midst of a snow blizzard! It did remind us that we love to see snow and we’d never really survive as ‘sun-chasers’ year-round. Pennsylvanians: we’ll be back, we miss you!

We made it to Boot Hill Ranch RV Park around lunchtime – another, “We’re here, already?”, drive!

Later in the afternoon, we took a drive through Alamogordo to White Sands National Monument, where we spent some time in the Visitor Center, chatting with the young Ranger and watching the movie.

As we went back through town, we stopped to buy sleds in preparation for our sand sledding at some (warmer) point during the week! We didn’t really fancy trying it while it was so chilly and windy – and we were pretty tired.

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