Sunday August 16th: RELAX!
We had a relaxing day today, swimming out to the platform in the lake (getting sunburnt in my case, my pale skin does not do well in the midday sun!). Nathan’s swimming ability has really come along and he was able to make it one way without any help, took a lot of effort but he was insistent that we not hold him. I’m so impressed at how quickly he’s gone from ‘floaty’ to swimming – good job it broke otherwise he’d still be using it!
It actually felt as though we were on vacation: swimming, playing, relaxing. Dave’s taking a day off here and there to join us when we do things he really shouldn’t miss but for the most part, he’s working during the week. I try to make sure we do school as early as possible each morning for about 3 hours – mostly we’re finished more quickly and can do fun (educational) games or reading, leaving us time in the afternoon for trips, art and music. I finally feel as though we’re getting to grips with school and the complaints are lessening, although journal writing is still a huge stumbling block for them. I am finding this frustrating as the journaling part of the trip is SO important. I am eager to find time to document our travels, apparently my enthusiasm is not shared!
Caitlin is excited to be learning the recorder and has just about mastered ‘hot cross buns’, Becca and Nate really just use theirs as screeching devices, I’m certainly hoping that will improve – as I’m sure do any unfortunate families who happen to be camping by us and enjoying some peace and quiet during our music lesson! Jake continues to play his clarinet, thankfully that is a far more pleasant sound. It is fun for me to be playing the recorder again though.
It actually felt as though we were on vacation: swimming, playing, relaxing. Dave’s taking a day off here and there to join us when we do things he really shouldn’t miss but for the most part, he’s working during the week. I try to make sure we do school as early as possible each morning for about 3 hours – mostly we’re finished more quickly and can do fun (educational) games or reading, leaving us time in the afternoon for trips, art and music. I finally feel as though we’re getting to grips with school and the complaints are lessening, although journal writing is still a huge stumbling block for them. I am finding this frustrating as the journaling part of the trip is SO important. I am eager to find time to document our travels, apparently my enthusiasm is not shared!
Caitlin is excited to be learning the recorder and has just about mastered ‘hot cross buns’, Becca and Nate really just use theirs as screeching devices, I’m certainly hoping that will improve – as I’m sure do any unfortunate families who happen to be camping by us and enjoying some peace and quiet during our music lesson! Jake continues to play his clarinet, thankfully that is a far more pleasant sound. It is fun for me to be playing the recorder again though.