States visited: 49!

visited 49 states (98%)
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Miles driven so far -
LOOP 1 (Aug 2009 - Aug 2010): 29,000
LOOP 2 (May - August 2012): 10,800

Highest altitude with camper: 11,158ft (I-70, CO)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday August 19th: Saint Gaudens National Historical Site

After lunch today, I took the children to the only National Park in New Hampshire, just over the state border. Saint Gaudens was a famous American sculptor, it was an interesting afternoon. We really learnt quite a lot as the Junior Ranger program was reasonably challenging and took us all around the property. Nathan's favorite parts were the tadpoles in the pond, the frog, which jumped over his foot and the water falling over the rocks: "waterfalls, waterfalls!" along the ravine trail. Unfortunately, there weren't too many questions on those things.

We learnt about cameos, reliefs, circle sculptures and the coin Saint Gaudens designed at the beginning of the 1900's. We spoke with the artist-in-residence and saw the progression of a sculpture from sketch to finished piece. He gave us a large lump of clay to bring home and create with - needless to say, there was great excitement at that, I'm sure there will be 4 amazing masterpieces in the camper by the end of the week.

It took almost 3 hours but we finished! Once again, they raised their right hand and were pledged in as Junior Rangers. Some programs have cloth patches, others just have a pinaable badge - this one had a patch with one of SG's most famous sculptures, it's really nice. We've told the kids that we'll purchase National Park patches if their JR programs don't have one. I'd love to see their blankets covered with National Park pictures.

Tomorrow we plan to sample Ben & Jerry's at their factory tour, as you mentioned Steve & Sharon, we can't be up here and not go for a visit, that'd just be rude, LOL!

Tonight's meal was pie-irons/mountain pies. Whenever we use these, someone always asks what they are. We got hooked when camping with some Outbacker friends and use them often. Our favorite fillings: cheese, mushrooms, ham, eggs, tomatoes and for dessert: nutella and banana - imagine a grilled cheese cooked in the fire, SO good!

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